PVS offers new, extended services around the marketplace business

More and more manufacturers from different sectors are using online marketplaces such as Amazon, Otto, Zalando, etc. to generate additional sales. In this context, one can see a clear trend towards the so-called “seller model”, in which manufacturers use marketplaces as a sales channel, whereby they independently control, execute and monitor sales and distribution activities.

PVS XT offers this service as an “All-in-One solution”, i.e. the manufacturer supplies products and information. PVS XT handles the rest – from listing and placing products on the relevant marketplaces, including key account management, to customer service and the complete handling of logistics – and this across all marketplaces. Everything from a single source.

“With Limal (subsidiary of X-Trade GmbH) we have a partner at hand who is one of the pioneers of the marketplace business and has continuously optimised this business,” says Heinz Karow (CEO of PVS Europe).
Sascha Rosenau, Co-Founder and Managing Director of X-Trade GmbH, adds: “The international orientation as well as the network of locations of PVS Europe enables us to scale our seller activities and to fall back on internationally proven logistics solutions”.

PVS XT offers manufacturers a smart entry into e-commerce via marketplace solutions without having to set up their own shop – thus opening up new sales opportunities in a simple manner.

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